
Color Manager

Color Manager is color palette management application. It very use for designers, especially web designers. It lets you create a Palette for each project. It stores data in an xml file. You need mono and gtk# to run this application. It is writte in C# and uses Gtk# for Gui.

Mango Linux

Mango Linux is the distro for mango people, build to provide the best user experience with the latest stable software. Normally when we install a new version of Linux, after installation we have to install additional packages, especially multimedia packages. Hence, I build a distro on top of OpenSuse, which contains additional packages, it will save time for searching and installing packages. It also includes all updates available to build date. It is based on OpenSuse 13.1 and it has some additional packages. Some important applications are

Read only mode - Drupal Module

What is Read Only Mode?

Read Only Mode provides an alternative to the built-in Maintenance Mode in Drupal. Instead of displaying a static text file to users while the site is in maintenance mode, Read Only Mode will allow access (reading) of new content while preventing the addition of new content (posting / submitting forms / etc). This allows the site to remain functional while maintenance is performed. This module also provides messaging to users and administrators to indicate that the site is in maintenance mode.